BACKGROUND: System planning is a critical task for Distribution System Operators (DSOs) like HEDNO. At least 3 modules are required to meet this goal: a) optimal sizing/siting methodology; b) AI-based load and DER generation forecasts module; and c) AI-based state estimation algorithms. To perform these tasks, an Energy services provider, like CERTH, may require requesting & consuming data from a DSO through Energy Data Spaces. Sharing data with service providers is far from being an easy or automated process. The lack of automation not only complicates sharing data with service providers, but also exploring monetisation or collaboration options like the exploitation of data markets or data spaces.

Description of the pilot: DATAMITE facilitates the automation of data sharing through its different modules:

  • With Governance tools, facilitating Findability and Accessibility to data.
  • The Quality Module ensures that data meets sufficient quality criteria to be shared with third parties.
  • With Security tools, defining fine-grained access and authorisation policies, and facilitating anonymisation, privacy preservation or encryption processes.
  • With the data sovereignty component and IDSA components integrated in the sharing module, that allows the definition and enforcement of precise terms of use.

Data sharing to DataSpaces will be validated by publishing data in Energy DataSpaces like, potentially, those provided by DATA CELLAR.