BACKGROUND: The MISTRAL platform aims to process, preserve, and provide, through an Open Data Portal (ODP), facilities for the re-use of meteorological datasets at a national level, thus facilitating value added service using HPC resources. The aim of the ODP is to collect in a centralized digital repository meteorological data from observation networks and those from the civil protection radar network. Currently, the platform enables a wide range of services. However, there is still much room for enhancement in terms of increasing data monetisation by widening the range of target users, improving data ingestion performance, and implementing quality inspection modules.
Description of the pilot: Currently MISTRAL lacks features that include lack of data discoverability and quality checks modules, and services that allow the use of available public data to generate AI based prediction models. Several new modules will be developed within the DATAMITE framework. Data sharing policies will be established to expose the climatic data to more users/companies working in weather sector.