We are pleased to announce the DATAMITE open source repository developed by the DATAMITE partners and hosted at Eclipse Research Labs. As part of DATAMITE’s commitment to open science, and advocating for interoperability and openness, the DATAMITE Framework is provided as open source software and is available in its public repository.
The DATAMITE open source repository, hosted at Eclipse Research Labs in Gitlab, is the maximum exponent of the project’s commitment to open science in all its aspects, and joins other open repositories such as Zenodo, which hosts all the publications written in the context of DATAMITE. Thus, DATAMITE has an Open Source Code Repository and an Open Access Research Repository.
The DATAMITE open source repository has eight sub-repositories to make navigation as easy and understandable as possible. These repositories are:
- Data-governance.
- Data-quality.
- Data-security.
- Data-Sharing.
- Data-support-tools.
- Docs.
- Fronted
- IP-analysis.
You can access our main repository here or from the icon in the top right corner of our website.
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