DATAMITE is an ambitious project with a consortium of 26 organisations from 11 countries, but beyond the numbers are the people. With the series “Meet the people behind DATAMITE” we want to introduce the people who work every day to achieve our ambitious goal: to deliver a modular, open-source and multi-domain Framework to improve data monetising, interoperability, trading and exchange in the form of software modules, training and business materials for European companies, empowering them to become new relevant players in the data economy.
Today we present Ricardo Almeida Henriques from E-REDES –the Portuguese main electricity distribution system operator. His role within DATAMITE is “to coordinate and contribute to the E-REDES pilot which we called ‘leverage electricity distribution open data’. In 2022 we have launched an open data portal which contains different types of datasets related to electricity distribution activity, and it’s targeted to different types of stakeholders as well, such as universities, research institutes, municipalities and also consumers”. He explains.
When asked what makes DATAMITE special, Ricardo believes that “DATAMITE is a very ambitious project because it will cover aspects from the creation of the data, to data sharing with data spaces, and data monetization. And the technical developments of the project will significant contribute to energy sector stakeholders”.
Watch the full interview with Ricardo Almeida Henriques below.