DATAMITE is an ambitious project with a consortium of 26 organisations from 11 countries, but beyond the numbers are the people. With the series “Meet the people behind DATAMITE” we want to introduce the people who work every day to achieve our ambitious goal: to deliver a modular, open-source and multi-domain Framework to improve data monetising, interoperability, trading and exchange in the form of software modules, training and business materials for European companies, empowering them to become new relevant players in the data economy.
Today we present Santiago Cáceres from ITI (Instituto Tecnológoco de Informática) and DATAMITE Project Coordinator. “I have been working in European research funding based projects for around 14 years, and my current interests are around the data cycle, from its generation to its exploitation and going through the transformation, artificial intelligence techniques, and so on”, he explains.
When asked what makes DATAMITE special, Santiago Cáceres is clear: “We believe that at the end the framework that we are developing is not going to stand there only for the companies that are within the project but to the outside community, to the European dimension out of it”.
Watch the full interview with Santiago Cáceres below.