The constant increase in data today makes it impossible for companies – regardless of size – to ignore the enormous potential of data monetisation to increase profits and even expand their markets. Data monetization is the process where company-generated data is used to create a measurable economic benefit, explains Talend.

While it is most common when one hears about data monetisation to imagine companies selling the data they generate to third parties, there is also great potential for data monetisation in the internal use of data to improve services already provided or to create new ones. However, when the company that wants to use its internal data is a large company with numerous subsidiaries, data monetisation faces a major obstacle: the complexity behind multi-site data exchange.

OTE Multi-Site Data Exchange Use Case: a unique opportunity to test the DATAMITE framework

To be able to measure the value offered by the DATAMITE framework it is ideal to be tested over an actual use case that combines data from different data platforms and systems and has real business value for the organisation. OTE, the largest mobile network operator in Greece, fulfils all the necessary requirements to be one of the Use Cases of the project.

Currently OTE subsidiaries have their own data repositories that mainly ingest, store, process and analyse their own datasets. When a subsidiary needs information that is not part of its own business, a data exchange process is initiated to request data based on business need. Overall data exchange process is lengthy, complex and resource demanding, resulting in data and process duplication, increased delivery times, and development and operational efforts. 

The DATAMITE framework: a key piece for exchanging data between different data lakes within the same company

The scope of the pilot is to utilise the DATAMITE framework to overcome the challenges that OTE faces concerning intra-corporate data exchange between different subsidiaries of OTE Group of companies, allowing building a convergent customer view and building on top of this reporting and analytics solutions.

DATAMITE framework will produce an efficient data exchange process, by creating a metadata repository reducing complexity of governing data, allowing users to have uniform, fine grain and rule based security controls, as well as, providing a global point to define quality rules. Moreover, during the pilot, the Data Governance module of DATAMITE will enable business and technical users to have a common understanding of business terms across different data sources. 

The Data Quality module will also allow users to feel confident to use available datasets, knowing that required quality and freshness rules have been implemented and the data to be used meet the needed standards, while, Access, Security and Data Sharing modules will ensure that data will be shared across data platforms in a secure and reliable way having a common data model, where mandatory regulations (GDPR) and organisation policies (including privacy and security) have been implemented across platforms and data accessed based on a centralised approach.

One of the main challenges of the use case is to combine information from numerous data sources to calculate needed datasets and features that will be used in the analysis phase of the project.

Impacts beyond the use-case scenario

The developed pilot could be leveraged by the organisation to expand it in the full scale of the use case (using all needed data sources), utilised in other use cases with similar data needs and support execution of ad-hoc analysis and visualisations allowing the organisation to perform self-service reporting and analytics. 

Pilot setup can also be exploited in other similar organisations (either in telecom industry or other industries with similar data needs) reducing time to deliver and expand data democratisation.

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